Articles and blogs

Wrote a blog summarising SUGCON India 2023
Introducing the Sitecore Discover JS SDK - Part 2 - Components
Introducing the Sitecore Discover JS SDK - Part 1 - Events
I just wrote a blog post about migrating one of our solutions to Docker Compose v2. Docker is no longer supporting v1 of Docker Compose as of June 2023 and this post covers the changes we had to ma...
Using Styled Components with NextJs
I wrote a blog post showing how you can implement the WebFinger Protocol for Mastodon on a NextJS site.
I wrote the final piece in my blog series covering the migration of the Sitecore MVP site to XM Cloud. I'm closing it out by talking about Secure Site Pages
I wrote the third piece in my blog series about migrating the Sitecore MVP site to XM Cloud. This time I'm talking about "pushing logic down to the head" and the MVP Directory page... https://robea...
I wrote the second piece in my blog series about migrating the Sitecore MVP site to XM Cloud. This time I'm talking about Custom Content Resolvers and whether you really need them? https://robearla...
I started a blog series about the work our team did in migrating the Sitecore MVP site over to XM Cloud.
I wrote a blog post discussing an error you might run into when upgrading a .NET Core 3.1 application to .NET 6.
I wrote a blog post showing how you can run Sitecore's OrderCloud Headstart application locally in Docker containers.
I wrote a blog post covering an interesting problem we had on a recent build. Excluding a single route from the automatic HTTPS redirection in an ASP.NET Core application.
I wrote a blog post covering an interesting issue we found with HTTP Headers when working with the Sitecore Getting Started Template:
I wrote a blog post documenting some of the changes to how we use "init containers" in Sitecore XP 10.2+.
I wrote a blog post documenting some issues we had getting the sticky sessions to work on different application routes, using the NGINX Ingress controller.
I wrote a blog post documentation a breaking change that was introduced to the Nginx ingress controller.
I wrote a blog post demonstrating an issue you can run into when deploying a Nextjs application to Vercel.
I wrote a blog post on Multi-Environment deployments to Vercel. Read the post on my site
I wrote a blog post on How to set the Experience Edge Auth Token with Apollo GraphQL. Read the post on my site
I wrote a blog post on Next.js Incremental Static Site Regeneration and Apollo GraphQL Caching. Read the post on my site
I wrote a blog post on Working with the Commerce Engine & Docker in Sitecore Experience Commerce 10.1 Read the post on my site